You Will Soon Die
You will soon die—
A thought that drifts in uninvited,
A whisper that comes in the silence of night,
When all the distractions are gone.
Death has always felt far away,
Something meant for other people,
A distant shadow.
But as the years pass,
The shadow grows closer,
And I can feel its weight.
You will soon die,
And it’s not a warning—
It’s just the truth.
The truth that we all share,
A reminder of what we often forget
In the rush of our lives.
I’ve seen it happen,
Watched loved ones fade away,
Held the hands of those who knew
Their time was running out.
And now,
The thought is here for me.
It’s not fear that grips me,
Not anymore.
It’s a sense of urgency,
A reminder that my moments are numbered,
That my time is finite,
That every breath is a gift
I cannot afford to waste it.
You will soon die,
So live.
Live without regret,
Without hesitation.
Love deeply,
Speak truth,
Laugh without fear.
Death is the great equalizer,
The inevitable end.
But before it comes,
I will fill my days with meaning,
With beauty,
With everything that makes life worth living.
I will soon die—
But until then,
I will live.